Unlock Fireship.io PRO Step-by-Step Guide

Unlock Fireship.io PRO Tutorials Easily: Your Step-by-Step Guide
Do you love technology? Do you want to make apps and websites? How to Unlock Fireship.io PRO Tutorials Easily: Your Step-by-Step Guide, but sometimes it costs a lot of money. Fireship.io is a great place with lots of short classes that teach you about new tech stuff really fast. But some of these classes are only for people who pay.
If you want to see the paid classes on Fireship.io but aren’t ready to spend money just yet, you can try a little trick. This trick uses something called Tampermonkey on your Chrome browser. I’ll tell you how to do it in easy steps.

What You Will Learn

  • What is Tampermonkey?
  • How to put Tampermonkey on your Chrome browser.
  • How to make Tampermonkey work for you.
  • Tips to enjoy Fireship.io without trouble.

Step By Step Process – Unlock Fireship.io PRO Tutorials Easily

Step 1: Know About Tampermonkey

Tampermonkey is like a little helper for your browser. It lets you tell the browser to do special things. Think of it as bringing your toolbox when you need to fix something.

Step 2: Adding Tampermonkey to Your Browser

  • Go to the Chrome Web Store. That’s like a shop where you can get things for your browser for free.
  • Type ‘Tampermonkey‘ in the search box. You’ll see it pop up.
  • Click ‘Add to Chrome’ next to Tampermonkey. Chrome will ask if you’re sure. Click ‘Add Extension’.
Now you’ve got a new small friend in your browser. Look for the Tampermonkey icon near the top-right corner.

Step 3: Creating Your First Script

  • Click the Tampermonkey icon. It looks like two circles with a dot.
  • A menu will show up. Choose ‘Create a New Script…’. This is where the fun begins!
  • A page will open, and you’ll see a place where you can write code.Unlock Fireship.io PRO Tutorials Easily: Your Step-by-Step Guide

Step 4: Change Scripts

This is a very important step. You’re going to use a code that someone else made. This code is special because it lets you peek at the paid classes on Fireship.io.


// ==UserScript==
// @name Freeship
// @namespace lemons
// @version 1.2
// @description Unlock all Fireship PRO courses/lessons.
// @author lemons
// @match https://fireship.io/*
// @icon https://emojipedia-us.s3.dualstack.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/thumbs/120/apple/325/fire_1f525.png
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

setInterval(() => {
document.querySelectorAll("[free=\"\"]").forEach(el => el.setAttribute("free", true)) // set all elements with the attribute free set to "" to true

if (document.querySelector("if-access [slot=\"granted\"]")) { // replace HOW TO ENROLL to YOU HAVE ACCESS
document.querySelector("if-access [slot=\"denied\"]").remove()
document.querySelector("if-access [slot=\"granted\"]").setAttribute("slot", "denied")

if (document.querySelector("video-player")?.shadowRoot?.querySelector(".vid")?.innerHTML) return; // return if no video player
const vimeoId = document.querySelector("global-data").vimeo; // get id for vimeo video
const youtubeId = document.querySelector("global-data").youtube; // get id for vimeo video

if (vimeoId) { // if there is an id,
document.querySelector("video-player").setAttribute("free", true) // set free to true
document.querySelector("video-player").shadowRoot.querySelector(".vid").innerHTML = `<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/${vimeoId}" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" title="${location.pathname.split("/")[3]}" width="426" height="240" frameborder="0"></iframe>` // set video
if (youtubeId) { // if there is an id,
document.querySelector("video-player").setAttribute("free", true) // set free to true
document.querySelector("video-player").shadowRoot.querySelector(".vid").innerHTML = `<iframe src="https://youtube.com/embed/${youtubeId}" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" title="${location.pathname.split("/")[3]}" width="426" height="240" frameborder="0"></iframe>` // set video
}, 100)

Step 5: Enable the Code Work on Fireship.io

  • Save the script in Tampermonkey. There’s usually a button or menu option to do that.
  • Go to Fireship.io and look around.
  • The code should start working by itself, and you’ll see the PRO classes ready to be watched.Unlock Fireship.io PRO Tutorials Easily: Your Step-by-Step Guide

Step 6: Watching the PRO Classes

It’s time to learn! You can watch all the PRO classes now. Isn’t that cool? Try to learn as much as you can.
Remember, if you really like the classes, it’s good to pay for them later. The people who made these classes worked hard, and your support means a lot.Unlock Fireship.io PRO Tutorials Easily: Your Step-by-Step Guide

How to Use Tampermonkey for Learning

Tampermonkey isn’t just for looking at PRO classes. It’s also a tool for learning more about how websites work. You can use it to practice your coding. Here are some ideas:
  • Try changing colors or sizes on websites.
  • See if you can make new buttons that do fun things.
  • Share your codes with friends and learn together.
But don’t forget, always play fair. Only use your skills for good things.

Common Questions Answered (FAQs) Tampermonkey

  1. Is it good to use Tampermonkey?
    Tampermonkey is a helper and it’s okay to use. But be nice and use it for learning. Don’t use it to do anything you shouldn’t.
  2. How do I keep my computer safe when using scripts?
    Only get scripts from places and people you trust. If a stranger gave you candy, would you eat it? Treat scripts the same way.
  3. What if I have problems using the script?
    If something doesn’t work, check all the steps again. If it’s still not working, maybe the code changed. It happens!
  4. Can Tampermonkey help me in my coding journey?
    Yes! Playing with scripts is a great way to understand coding better.
  5. What should I do if I really like the PRO classes?
    If you can, pay for them. It’s a great way to say thank you to the people who teach you.

Extra Simple Questions and Answers (FAQs) Unlock Fireship.io PRO Tutorials

Q: Is it OK to use special codes to get Fireship.io’s lessons?

A: It’s a bit of a gray area. Be careful and only use it to learn. And if you can, pay for the lessons later to support the people who made them!

Q: Is Tampermonkey easy to use for everyone?

A: Yes, Tampermonkey is easy. If you can copy and paste, you’re good to go.

Q: Does using a script make the videos slow or look bad?

A: No, the script doesn’t change the video quality. If videos are slow, check your internet connection.

Q: Do scripts like this work on all web browsers?

A: Yes, you can use Tampermonkey on most browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and others.

Q: Is it a good thing to use scripts like this?

A: It’s best to use scripts only to learn. Remember, the lessons cost money to make. Support the creators by subscribing when you have the chance.

Q: Can I learn how to write my own code from this?

A: Sure! Looking at how scripts work can teach you a bit about coding.

Conclusion: Happy Learning!

There you go! You now know a new trick to watch PRO classes on Fireship.io. Use Tampermonkey wisely, and have lots of fun while you learn. The world of technology is exciting, and there’s so much to explore. Remember to be kind, learn with an open heart, and help the people who make learning easy and fun for all of us.


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